Saturday, 2 July 2011

I was kidnapped...

No not really, just really busy. So yea have disappeared from blogging world for over 2 months, but now im back :)
So just a catch up of these 2 months:

  • Just finished my exams, had 9 of them so it was rather hardcore
  • During my exam period I was literally addicted to online shopping, espesh topshop and asos, just shopped all my monay away :\ so I have started a bet with a friend that started from yesterday to see who can last longest without buying anything. Whoever loses has to pay from cinema, meal and drinks, and Im not gonna pay for that :L
  • Had my birthday on the 17th of June, and dayumm am I old, 19 last teenage year :O Nothing spesh happened as I had an exam the day before and 2 days after, just chillin with fam and friends
  • I bought a bestival ticket :D for those who don't know its a music fest on the isle of wight, rather indie music. sooo excited :)) Anyone else going?
  • oh my last post 2 months ago I said I was going to London for few days, it was wickeddd :L clubbing everynight till 6am don't know how my liver handled :L
  • I'm doing a third year in college...yea I know... but I needed more time to decided what I wanted to do in uni and build a design portfolio before I go to uni
  • On to the weather, british weather has been awful, it like our summer was in April and lasted for few weeks. It has improved these few days but still massively disappointed. I bought so many pairs of shorts yet haven't had a chance to whack them on. Maate gimme my summer!
  • I got a macbook pro :)) my macbook just decided to die and stop working, so I had to get a new lappie. Have been wanting a new one for a while so perfect timing for my old one to break down :L
  • For those that remembered I had a post on dieting, yea that was a fail during exams, i was so stressed that I just binged. But yea Im starting again :) let's do it togez for those on dieting path.
  • On to a rather big news well big to me anyways. My parents are moving back to Macau due to work sooo I'll be living on my own :O Its both very exciting yet intimidating at the same time. on the 21st I'll be moving into my apartment, gahh so exciting :D but sadly I'll have to give my dog away :'( as its not fair on the dog to live in an apartment and I will be in college daily till 4ish, so its not fair for the dog to be locked in all day. So yeaa we are hoping to find him a good owner, but I'm gonna miss him so much :((

So yeaa thats pretty much a condensed summary of my past 2 months, how has everyone else been? 

Im gonna miss you :'(

OOTD, nice breezy weather today :)


  1. You naughty girl! You're not old enough to drink :P But glad you loved London my home town :)
    Tell me about the weather!! It's so annoying, i keep thinking it would be really sunny and then it goes and pour down with rain in the afternoon... Last weekend was amazing though, the hottest day by far!!
    Aww 9 exams!! you're doing A-levels right? Work hard, it'll be worth it in the end, trust me :)
    You're going to live on your own! Lol i would die from starvation, i'm so lazy when it come to cooking! Goodluck finding a new owner for your cute dog! And goodluck for your exam results! xX

  2. Your last picture is really cute. You did lots of thing these 2 months right?
    Im your new follower.

    See you!

  3. how exciting your own apartment! i have an obsession with interior design and all things homely - it will be so for you to decorate it.

  4. OHH congrats on your own apartment!!! that's very exciting!! i've NEVER ever had my own apartment totally by myself.. i went from my parents house to living at a couple of different places with several different roommates and then finally moving in with my now husband.. living on your own sounds so daughting but exciting!! good luck hon!

    love your OOTD your dress is so pretty and feminine and i love that you're posed infront of freshly laundered sheets!

  5. wow, 9 exams??? u must feel so relieved!

  6. Thanks for your sweet comment and congrats on your new apartment!Really exciting!

  7. thanks so much for the comment, lovely!
    aw no, you have to give your gorgeous dog away! ):
    i have one that looks almost exactly the same as yours. so, so cute!
    i'm sure you'll find a really good home for it and it'll be loved so much. x.

  8. Welcome back! Can't wait to hear more from you :) I'm following you now, dear :)

  9. omg i feel so bad for you being addicted to online shopping during exams! it's gotta be worse than watching tv or napping the days away. lol!

    xx from hong kong :)

  10. So cute dog! thanks for comment

  11. thanks for your comment doll! <3 x

  12. hahaha,loved the tittle!

    the picture of your doggie is adorable! He actually looks like he's going to miss you too!

  13. Thanks for droppin' by my blog! love the title of this post ;)

  14. Welcome back sweet ^__^
    I hope your exames went well! Argh, you're not the only one who shopped da money away D:
    Stupid sales haha....
    Congratz on getting a appartment :D pictures soon perhaps? lol
    What a cutie dog you've got there and nice outfit at the end!


  15. Una canción dedicada copn toooodo mi amor:

    Es nuevo y mi estreno! Espero que os guste!

  16. Welcome back to blogging busy lady!

    Hooray for new MacBooks and first apartments!

  17. you're back!! yayyyy! haha love your summary of what you have been up to. either way glad to have you back here :)

  18. Welcome back to blogger babe!
    now post some amazing things!
    what a sweet last photo

    New Outfit post at
